CalmCon IRL



3:00 - 5:00 PM

WeWork, 21 Collyer Quay, 18th Floor

Timing is in GMT+8 (Singapore)


CalmCon IRL @ WeWork, 21 Collyer Quay, 18th Floor

3:00 PM #StrengthInVulnerability Talk: How to Ask for Help

with Lim Sheryl (Mental Health Advocate), Nels Friets (Advisor, Calm Collective Asia), Sabrina Ooi (CEO & Co-founder, Calm Collective Asia), and Alyssa Reinoso (Co-founder & Head of Content, Calm Collective Asia)

It shouldn't take almost drowning to realise you need help treading water. But when we value self-sufficiency to the extent of hyper-independence, we don't ask for help when we most need it. In this panel, we’ll dismantle the idea that being strong means never asking for help. After all, there isn't just strength in vulnerability. Vulnerability is strength.

4:00 PM Calm Circles Workshop: Understanding Feelings

Connect, share, and learn with like-minded folks through guided discussions by the Calm Collective team. In this workshop, learn how to identify your emotions, and work with them in a healthy way.



3:00 - 4:30 PM

Temasek Shophouse

Timing is in GMT+8 (Singapore)


CalmCon IRL @ Temasek Shophouse

3:00 PM CalmCon Finale: Well-being for Your Whole Being (Experiential Workshop & Fireside Chat)

Mental well-being encompasses far more than just the mind, it's also about the body and so much more. In this experiential workshop, you will:

  • Understand how the mind and body are connected in supporting mental well-being

  • Experience how mindful movements (yoga) and meditation can help to stir greater awareness of one's mind & body, and consequently calm the mind

  • Connect with fellow participants through facilitated discussions, and learn how to incorporate these practical strategies to daily living