Virtual Programme

6 - 7 OCT


2:00 - 5:00 PM

Timing is in GMT+8 (Singapore)


Thursday, 6 October 2022

2:00 PM How to Practise Self-Care

with Nathan Andres (Global Well-being Leader, The Body Shop), Dr Karen Pooh (Clinical Psychologist, Alliance Counselling, Adjunct Faculty at Yale-NUS and NTU) and Sabrina Ooi (Co-Founder, Calm Collective)

Living through the pandemic has taught us to engage more thoughtfully in our own care to help us live well. Yet, many find it difficult to consistently prioritise self-care. Join us for a discussion on the importance of self-care, why we struggle to practice it, and learn tips to restore your day-to-day energy reserves and live your best life.

2:45 PM Dealing with Difficult Emotions at Work

with Dr Ben Weinstein (Clinical Psychologist) and Emmy-Lou Quirke (ESG & Well-being Lead, PwC Singapore Junior Board)

We all experience unwieldy feelings, especially in the workplace. But we often don't know how to talk about what we are going through, much less handle it. In this talk, we'll explore how organisations can create safe zones for employees to express their feelings at work, so that we become more comfortable with sharing our emotions and acknowledging those of our colleagues.

3:30 PM Calm Collective: How Our Mental Health Strategy Works

with Sabrina Ooi (Co-Founder, Calm Collective) and Jillian Ng (Project Lead, CalmCon Well-being Festival)

In this fireside chat, Calm Collective will explore how organizations can support mental wellness through infrastructure, and how leaders can create a mental health-first culture. We’ll share findings from a recent survey we conducted with Milieu Insights along with insights from our well-being leaders roundtable. By looking at what’s worked and what hasn’t, we’ll identify best practices to help build mental health-friendly workplaces in Asia

4:00 PM How to Lead with Compassion

with Khai Yang Koh (Chairman, Wood Mackenzie Asia Pacific), Ernest Lee (Head of HR, Shell Singapore & Indonesia), Naeema Ismail (Managing Partner, FINN Partners Singapore), and Nathaniel Fetalvero (Managing Editor, Tech in Asia Studios)

Over the past two years, leaders have taken on a big emotional burden: helping teams recover from the grief of the pandemic, supporting the declining mental health of their employees, and being sensitive to people’s anxieties. In this talk, we'll explore how practising compassion enables leaders to advocate for their teams, humanise the workplace, and lead organisations more effectively.

Friday, 7 October 2022

2:00 PM How to Deal with Setbacks

with Sang Shin (Director, Enterprise Development Group, Temasek Holdings), Jedidiah Alex Koh (Coach) and Sabrina Ooi (Co-Founder, Calm Collective Asia)

All of us have experienced rejection and have had to reject others. This panel discusses strategies to reframe our setbacks, how to find the motivation to overcome it, and how to gracefully reject others.

2:45 PM Setting Better Boundaries at Work

with Alyssa Than-Stark (Group Well-being and Rewards Manager), Eunice Yap (Chief Marketing Officer, The Esplanade Co. Ltd), and Arti Ram (Head of Company Marketing, APAC, Bloomberg LP)

Establishing boundaries is integral to carving out time and energy for the things and people that matter. But how do we draw the line, and more importantly, maintain clear and healthy boundaries at work?

3:30 PM Banyan Tree: Stretch to Reset

with Banyan Tree

Take a relaxing break with Banyan Tree’s Well-being Practitioner, as we learn some simple yet effective stretches to release any tension that’s accumulated in your body while working at your desk!

4:00 PM How to Make Sleep Your Superpower

with Dr Naras Lapsys (Consultant Dietitian & Longevity Medicine Practitioner) and Eos Oaper (Head of Operations, Calm Collective)

We know how important good sleep is for our health. Yet, four out of every five people suffer from sleep problems at least once a week. This session discusses the science of sleep and strategies we can learn to become more successful sleepers.



10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Timing is in GMT+8 (Singapore)


Saturday, 8 October 2022

10:00 AM Unpacking Mental Health Myths

with Dr Syed Harun Alhabsyi (Consultant Psychiatrist, Better Life Psychological Medicine Clinic), Ron Yap (Mental Health Advocate & Content Creator) and Sabrina Ooi (Co-Founder, Calm Collective)

"People with mental health conditions are unable to perform professionally. Therapy is for people whose lives are falling apart. Struggling with mental health issues means you are weak."

Despite increased mental health awareness, such statements remain all too common. How can we foster a culture of deeper mental health literacy? And why should such literacy be a company's imperative?

10:45 AM Why Asians Don’t Go to Therapy

with Asami Koike (Founder and CEO, Shapes and Sounds), Lino Felix (Certified Peer Support Specialist), and Laili Abdeen (Host, Calm Collective)

Mention that you are in therapy and you might receive a look of concern or sympathy. Where does this reaction stem from? And why does it still persist in Asian societies? By unpacking how culture shapes the individual, we explore our subconscious biases around therapy and how to reframe the societal idea of therapy to get the help we might need.

11:30 AM Trauma and the Mind-Body Connection

with Mr Parandaman T. (Chartered Forensic Psychologist, Principal Paediatric Forensic Psychologist, Psych Connect), Santiago Brand Ortiz (Clinical Director, MindLab Applied Neuroscience Singapore), and Alyssa Reinoso (Co-Founder, Calm Collective)

"The body keeps score", according to a popular therapy maxim. Mental and emotional trauma often impact our physical health, from headaches to digestive problems. Yet, many of us don't realise physical symptoms can be rooted in trauma. This panel underlines and explores the importance of being more aware of the mind-body connection.

12:15 PM #ifeelyoubro: Men Talk About Feelings

with Adrian Ang (Co-founder & Chief Creative Officer, Hepmil Media Group), Chirag Agarwal (Co-founder, Talk Your Heart Out) and Winston Zhang (Editor, Tech In Asia Studios)

Have you ever been asked to "man up"? Entrenched ideas of masculinity as emotional suppression continue to pervade society. In this panel, Singaporean men discuss the danger in equating emotion to weakness, the value in vulnerability, and how learning to reframe their idea of masculinity has made them better men.

1:00 PM Caregivers Need Care Too: Caregiving & Compassion Fatigue

with Dr Tash Mirando (General Practitioner, Osler Health International), Ng Ai Ling (Head of Counselling and Mediation, EMCC) and Nels Friets (Director, Fullerton Fund Management Company)

It is said that not all superheroes wear capes, but caregivers aren’t superheroes. When we perpetuate the singular narrative that caregivers are strong and resilient, we risk impeding them from seeking help when they truly need it. This panel will provide actionable tips on how caregivers can express their emotions and struggles, and how we can support the caregivers in our lives by remembering they are only human.



10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Timing is in GMT+8 (Singapore)


Sunday, 9 October 2022

10:00 AM Change Your Self-Talk, Change Your Life

with Mdm Rahayu Mahzam (Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Health and Law), Dr Pearlene Ng (Principal Clinical Psychologist, Viriya Community Services), and Alyssa Reinoso (Co-Founder, Calm Collective)

The stories we tell ourselves have a tendency to shape our lives. But what if we could change the trajectory of our lives by reframing our core narratives about ourselves?

In this panel, we will learn the importance of self-talk, how to shed outdated beliefs about ourselves, and why it's never too late to change your life.

10:45 AM How to Change Your Mindset to Improve Financial Well-being

with Evy Wee (Head of Financial Planning and Personal Investing, DBS Bank), Nur Fitria (MoneyMakcik) and Grace Yeoh (Senior Journalist, CNA)

Money can buy happiness – but only if we’ve defined happiness for ourselves. Understanding what we value in life and why/how we value them helps our financial well-being: for when we have our 'why', the 'how' falls into place. This panel will explore how financial literacy goes beyond accumulating wealth, and why emotions are inherently linked to how we use our money.

11:30 AM The Secret to Successful Relationships: Rupture & Repair

with Dr Lin Hong-Hui (Founder, Principal Clinical Psychologist, The Psychology Atelier), Johnathan Chua (Co-Founder, GRVTY Media), and Sabrina Ooi (Co-Founder, Calm Collective)

Social media is rife with advice on relationship red flags and dealbreakers, but relationships are more than a black-and-white checklist. The panel will explore how a successful relationship entails navigating the terror of grey areas together – and working on ourselves.

12:15 PM How to Thrive on Purpose

with Navin Amarasuriya (Chief Operating Officer, The Contentment Foundation), Amarit Charoenphan (NFT1/Bastion, Chief Ecosystem Officer, Managing Partner, Unfold Ventures) and Ling Yah Wong (Founder, So This Is My Why Podcast)

You know it when you meet them: individuals who have found their purpose in life tend to exude a certain je ne sais quoi. Perhaps it is their singular overarching focus, no matter their stage in life. Perhaps it is a lucid clarity in their self-assuredness. How can we find our purpose? How can we thrive while finding it? And why is the journey more important than the destination?