Connect, learn and share with your peers leading wellbeing initiatives at work.

Tuesday, 4 October 2022, 3 - 6 PM SGT

📍1880 Singapore

Participation by invite-only

Connect with 40+ peers from

… and more!

What to expect

Looking for inspiration to normalise mental health within your organisation, or wondering what other companies are doing to support well-being at work?

Join our first in-person Wellbeing Leaders Roundtable at CalmCon 2022:

  • Gain fresh insights on workplace well-being from thought leaders, through engaging fireside chats and panels

  • Learn actionable strategies from your peers (senior executives and HR leaders) through the sharing of case studies

  • Connect with a community of advocates who are championing mental well-being at work

Limited seats available, our representative will get in touch to confirm your participation.

Hear from past attendees

About Calm Collective’s

Wellbeing Leaders Roundtable

The Wellbeing Leaders Roundtable was launched at Calm Collective's first CalmCon mental health & well-being festival in November 2021.

In countless conversations with corporate leaders about normalising mental health at work, the Calm Collective team noticed similar questions and trends coming up: "What should we do about employee burnout?", "How do we increase our EAP adoption rate?", "What can we do to help people feel more connected at work?"... and so on.

We recognised that mental health and well-being is new territory for most organisations in Asia, and that a localised approach matters. Executives and HR leaders have been thrown into the deep end during the pandemic, and are now expected to figure out how to address mental health at work effectively.

We realised that it would bring tremendous value to our corporate community if there was a dedicated space to connect, share, and learn with each other. Collectively, we could multiply our learnings, and bring about exponential impact within our workplaces - and improve the lives of many.

And so, the Roundtable was launched. Since its launch, we have hosted 3 Roundtables for 50+ passionate workplace wellbeing leaders from across the globe.


Looking to normalise mental health conversations at work? Calm Collective can help!